by Tina Olivero

    Canada’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Funding

    The drive towards a sustainable and prosperous future in Canada is accelerating with the advent of zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure funding. As the world grapples with the impacts of climate change, the importance of reliable and extensive charging infrastructure cannot be overstated. This is a crucial step in enabling Canadians to make the switch to ZEVs, aligning with the ambitious national target of ensuring 100% of new passenger vehicle sales are ZEVs by 2035.

    Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP)

    One of the pivotal initiatives supporting this transition is the Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP), spearheaded by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). This program is currently open for applications, inviting proposals aimed at deploying electric vehicle (EV) chargers across various locations:

    • Public Places: Facilitating EV charging access in locations frequented by the general public, ensuring that charging stations are conveniently located and easily accessible.
    • On-Street: Supporting the installation of chargers on public streets, making EV charging as ubiquitous as traditional fueling stations.
    • Multi-Unit Residential Buildings: Addressing the needs of residents in multi-unit buildings, where access to personal charging infrastructure may be limited.
    • Workplaces: Encouraging workplaces to install charging stations, promoting EV adoption among employees and reducing greenhouse gas emissions during commutes.
    • Vehicle Fleets: Enabling fleet operators to transition to ZEVs by providing the necessary charging infrastructure to support their operations.

    NRCan’s annual, time-limited request for proposals is a call to action for communities, businesses, and organizations to contribute to Canada’s ZEV infrastructure network, playing a significant role in the nation’s sustainability efforts.

    Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) Projects

    In addition to ZEVIP, the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) is also playing a crucial role in the development of ZEV infrastructure. The CIB is now open for applications, offering financing for large-scale ZEV charging and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure projects. These projects are typically delivered by the private sector and are designed to be revenue-generating while serving the public interest.

    The CIB’s support is aimed at fostering innovative and scalable solutions that can meet the growing demand for ZEV infrastructure. By financing these projects, the CIB is helping to ensure that the necessary infrastructure is in place to support the widespread adoption of ZEVs, furthering Canada’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

    The availability of funding for ZEV infrastructure is a significant milestone in Canada’s journey towards sustainability. By supporting the deployment of reliable and extensive charging infrastructure, both the Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program and the Canada Infrastructure Bank are playing pivotal roles in facilitating the transition to ZEVs. This not only helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also paves the way for a cleaner, greener future for all Canadians.

    As the nation marches towards the ambitious target of 100% ZEV sales by 2035, the importance of robust and widespread ZEV infrastructure cannot be overstated. With the support of these funding programs, communities across Canada are well-positioned to accelerate their transition towards a sustainable and prosperous future, leading the way in the global fight against climate change.

    For more information or to apply, click here.
    Tina Olivero

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