by Tina Olivero

    Canada Powers Up First Net-Zero Neighbourhood in Markham: A Bold Step Towards a Greener Future

    In a groundbreaking move for sustainable urban development, the Government of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) have announced an $8.7 million investment in Markham, Ontario, to create the country’s first net-zero neighborhood. The project, centered around the new Berczy Glen community, introduces a geothermal energy system designed to revolutionize how Canadians heat and cool their homes.

    Geothermal Power: The Future of Urban Living

    The Berczy Glen project, commissioned in 2022, is a collaborative effort between the City of Markham, Enwave Energy Corporation, and Mattamy Homes Canada. The innovative design taps into geothermal energy, utilizing the Earth’s natural heat to maintain comfortable temperatures in 312 homes year-round. This pioneering system, the first of its kind in Canada, promises not only to lower greenhouse gas emissions but also to serve as a blueprint for other cities striving towards net-zero goals.

    Geothermal boreholes buried beneath the streets are interconnected through an ambient loop system, distributing energy across the community much like an electrical grid. A single pipe connects each home, enabling residents to enjoy consistent heating in the winter and cooling in the summer—powered entirely by renewable resources beneath their feet.

    Markham Leads the Way in Net-Zero Innovation

    Markham’s new sustainable neighborhood is more than just a local achievement; it’s a pivotal moment in Canada’s quest for net-zero emissions. With rapid urban expansion, Markham’s adoption of cutting-edge geothermal technology showcases how municipalities can lead in the fight against climate change while providing affordable, clean energy to residents.

    “Energy efficiency means cost savings for Canadians,” said Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. “At a time when we are facing challenges with affordability and climate change, this partnership between Enwave Energy, the City of Markham, and Mattamy Homes will deliver the action Canadians need for better housing and more affordable clean home energy.”

    A Model for Municipal Action Across Canada

    This project is part of a broader vision driven by the FCM’s Green Municipal Fund (GMF), a globally unique initiative supporting municipalities in their transition to net-zero and resilient communities. Established in 2000, GMF has already reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 2.87 million tonnes, created nearly 30,000 sustainable affordable housing units, and contributed significantly to Canada’s economy through over 2,100 approved projects.

    “Municipalities have influence over more than half of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions, making it crucial for them to take ambitious climate action for Canada to achieve its net-zero target by 2050,” stated Geoff Stewart, President of the FCM. “The development of the Berczy Glen neighborhood is a testament to the power of collaboration among all orders of government in building a more sustainable and affordable Canada.”

    The Power of Partnerships: Building a Sustainable Future

    The success of the Berczy Glen project hinges on the commitment of key partners who share a vision of a greener future. Enwave Energy Corporation, the driving force behind the geothermal system, sees this project as a cornerstone in Canada’s path toward net-zero emissions.

    “We are proud to have partnered with Mattamy Homes Canada and the City of Markham to build this low-carbon community together,” said Carlyle Coutinho, CEO of Enwave Energy Corporation. “We look forward to the potential to scale this new low-carbon model in communities across Canada as we progress toward net-zero emissions.”

    Brad Carr, CEO of Mattamy Homes Canada, echoed the sentiment: “Mattamy is proud to partner with like-minded organizations who share our commitment to a more sustainable future and excited for the opportunities that our Berczy Glen community will provide for residents.”

    A Blueprint for a Sustainable Canada

    As Canada grapples with the dual challenges of affordability and climate change, the Berczy Glen net-zero neighborhood represents a bold leap forward. It’s not just about reducing emissions—it’s about creating sustainable, vibrant communities that can serve as models for the rest of the country.

    With support from the federal government and organizations like the FCM, projects like these are lighting the path toward a cleaner, greener Canada. Markham’s geothermal initiative shows that with innovation, collaboration, and investment, a sustainable future is not only possible but already taking shape.

    Source: Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)

    Tina Olivero

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