by Tina Olivero

    Carbon Clean Powers Up in Canada: Opens Office in Calgary to Fuel Growth in Carbon Capture Solutions

    Carbon Clean, a pioneer in transforming carbon capture solutions, marks a significant stride with its expansion into Canada. The company has inaugurated a new office in downtown Calgary, eyeing an expansion of its workforce throughout 2024 to cater to the rising demand for its cutting-edge modular technology, CycloneCC.

    Meeting the Demand: Carbon Clean’s Strategic Move into Canada

    In response to the soaring demand for its technology, Carbon Clean has strategically opened an office in downtown Calgary. This move aligns with the company’s commitment to revolutionizing carbon capture solutions and underscores its dedication to supporting hard-to-abate industries, including oil & gas, cement, and steel.

    Proven Impact: Carbon Clean’s Global Footprint

    Carbon Clean boasts a substantial global presence, with its technology operational in 49 sites worldwide. The company stands out with one of the largest project portfolios among independent carbon capture businesses, having cumulatively captured over 2.1 million tons of CO2. This expansion into Canada signifies the company’s commitment to playing a pivotal role in addressing environmental challenges on a global scale.

    Canada’s Appeal: Carbon Capture Gains Momentum

    Canada has emerged as a prime market for industrial carbon capture projects, fueled by recent efforts to incentivize investment in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS). The 2023 Fall Economic Statement unveiled a program offering investment tax credits for CCUS, coupled with the availability of carbon contracts for difference through the Canada Growth Fund. The federal government’s well-established carbon pricing system aligns with the national goal to reduce emissions and decarbonize hard-to-abate industries, responsible for 30% of global emissions.

    Calgary’s Rise: The Ideal Hub for Carbon Clean’s Canadian Venture

    Carbon Clean strategically selected Calgary as its Canadian hub due to the city’s increasing prominence as a center for decarbonization initiatives. Calgary’s ambitious goals to achieve net zero, coupled with programs like the Alberta Carbon Capture Incentive Program (ACCIP), announced in November 2023, create a conducive environment for the growth of industrial carbon capture solutions.

    Accelerating Momentum: Carbon Clean’s Vision for the North American Market

    Aniruddha Sharma, Chair and CEO of Carbon Clean, emphasized the urgency among Canadian policymakers and business leaders to decarbonize hard-to-abate industries. As North America outpaces many global regions in environmental initiatives, Carbon Clean aims to leverage this momentum by ramping up its local supply chain and expanding its Canadian workforce. The company’s entry into Calgary has already sparked numerous high-level conversations with companies across various sectors eager to achieve rapid progress towards net-zero goals.

    A Global Impact: Carbon Clean’s Journey Continues

    Building on the success of opening its US headquarters in Houston, Texas, last year, Carbon Clean demonstrates a commitment to its global mission. The doubling of its global headcount to 145 people signifies the company’s determination to lead the charge in providing cost-effective industrial carbon capture solutions worldwide.


    Carbon Clean
    Government of Canada
    Alberta Carbon Capture Incentive Program (ACCIP)

    Tina Olivero

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