Greg Steiner

Member for:
12 years

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  • New World vs. Old World Wines

    New World vs. Old World Wines

    Friday, 5 Apr 2013 | by Greg Steiner Max’s Wine Dive and the Tasting Room Café It is not uncommon to hear a ­“knowledgeable” wine consumer make the blanket statement: “I don’t like New World wines.” Why would […]

    The Wines of Chianti

    Saturday, 8 Dec 2012 | by Greg Steiner Italian wines are some of the most versatile and food-friendly wines in the world. Among these wines, Chianti has been a popular choice for red wine lovers who like a […]
  • Texas Wines

    Texas Wines of Our Times

    Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 | by Greg Steiner The wine industry in Texas is flourishing with numerous new wineries opening in various parts of the state.  Texas is one of the top-producing wine markets in the country. Right […]
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