by Tina Olivero

    Communication Power is Business Power

    Business success is directly proportionate to communication success. Most people don’t stop long enough to realize it, but from the time you start your work day, to the time you leave work, you are communicating in some way. You might be speaking, writing, designing, sharing ideas, executing structures, making new plans, connecting with team members, giving direction, or executing a vision. It’s crystal clear, business is comprised of a network of conversations. Every conversation leads you toward your goal or away from your goal. Consider that conversations can CREATE or they can DISINTEGRATE your progress. Yes, that’s right, every conversation counts! The stronger your communication power and networks are, the stronger your business is. It’s just that simple!

    Communication Culture

    Communication in companies needs to be direct, succinct and focused on the desired results. It has to be delivered with “goal intentions” and it has to be understood by all who receive it. Communication breakdowns can occur at any step of the communication process – and they often do. Most issues and problems in companies are not a result of the people but more a result of a breakdown in communication, between people.

    Powerful companies integrate these two communication strategies for success: 1. They realize that communication breakdowns occur between structures and processes and they build in continuously work to improve them. They do this by implementing a strong culture of communication, focusing on “soft skills”, that allow teams to relate, connect and implement at high levels. 2. They have integrity in their commitments and honor their “word” as themselves. In other words, they deliver what was promised “on the time” it was promised. Really great companies under promise and over deliver, leaving clients always more than happy.

    Communication on Computers

    Business is a network of conversations and communication networks are the bridge that makes these conversations happen. One of our most powerful business tools in the market today, is the computer. So we might say that computers are the bridge itself. Everyone needs that bridge if they want to connect outside their current physical environment.

    Computers take your voice around the world, they take your ideas to other companies, and they share your products and services with potential buyers in neighboring countries. They unite your team and they are the most important tool you have in building your organization, department or business today.

    Computers and communication strength are synonymous with progress. It’s interesting to note that we have computer technicians to fix our breakdowns in computers and networks but we don’t have too many communication technicians’ addressing breakdowns in communication between people! I think we’re on to something. If we have as many solutions for conversation breakdowns as we do for hardware and network breakdowns, we’d have much stronger communication systems. After all an email that segregates the entire team with harsh words, is far more damaging than a broken hard drive. It takes longer to fix and is far more costly. It’s obvious that communication success takes an integrated approach that addresses both communication breakdowns and network breakdowns.

    That’s the formula for success. What we think and what we speak has to be managed and focused on the goal to the same degree as our software programs and hardware applications. From mobile communication to computer emails, to face book messages and groups, the communication has to be pristine and responsible. Focusing on what’s positive, what’s possible and staying direct with the goal, gets us there. When we marry strong and powerful communication that is absent of diversions, personal innuendoes and agendas, and ego-power struggles, things get done on time and on budget. Where do communication breakdowns occur in your work environment? Identifying the source is key!

    Communication Demand

    The rate of demand for communication power is staggering. According to World Internet Stats, almost two billion people use the computer. That’s impressive when we realize that there are 6.9 billion people on the planet. By telephone there are 4.8 billion users worldwide – approximately 2/3rds of our global population are connected by telephone. Winners in the game of communication find ways to connect with their peers and clients in ways that unify interests, build connection, educate and empower each other, and of course fulfill needs. Telephones, computers and now social media, do just that – they keep our people and our clients connected in unprecedented ways. Is it any wonder that Facebook just embraced 1/12 of the world’s population with social users around the globe?

    Soft Skills & Soft Ware

    Achieving business success in this new era, means marrying your communication abilities together with our communication systems, to form an integrated communication culture. Without this we face having state of the art computers without powerful thinkers and language behind them. We face having social networks without strong social skills. Where would that leave us? It’s the total integration of the two that makes the master plan work and the vision come into reality. With communication mastery in place, business thrives; we overcome challenges, recessions, and circumstances. Here, creativity peaks, and goals are met. The total integration of communication that starts with how we think, what we say, and what we do as we implement software, systems, networks and computers into our day to day operations – all play an integrated role in our company’s success. What we know for sure, is when we marry soft skills with software we have a new-age winning formula!

    Tina Olivero

    30 years ago, Tina Olivero looked into the future and saw an opportunity to make a difference for her province and people. That difference came in the form of the oil and gas sector. Six years before there was even a drop of oil brought to the shores of Newfoundland, she founded The Oil and Gas Magazine (THE OGM) from a back room in her home on Signal Hill Road, in St. John’s, Newfoundland. A single mother, no financing, no previous journalism or oil and gas experience, she forged ahead, with a creative vision and one heck of a heaping dose of sheer determination. With her pioneering spirit, Ms. Olivero developed a magazine that would educate, inspire, motivate and entertain oil and gas readers around the world — She prides herself in marketing and promoting our province and resources in unprecedented ways. The OGM is a magazine that focuses on our projects, our people, our opportunities and ultimately becomes the bridge to new energy outcomes and a sustainable new energy world. Now diversifying into the communications realms, a natural progression from the Magazine, The OGM now offers an entirely new division - Oil & Gas Media. Today, The Oil and Gas Magazine is a global phenomenon that operates not only in Newfoundland, but also in Calgary and is read by oil and gas enthusiasts in Norway, Aberdeen, across the US and as far reaching as Abu Dhabi, in the Middle East. Believing that Energy is everyone’s business, Ms. Olivero has combined energy + culture to embrace the worlds commitment to a balance of work and home life as well as fostering a foundation for health and well being. In this era of growth and development business and lifestyle are an eloquent mix, there is no beginning or end. Partnering with over 90 oil and gas exhibitions and conferences around the world, Ms. Olivero's role as a Global Visionary is to embrace communication in a way that fosters oil and gas business and industry growth in new and creative ways.

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