by Moona Khan

Smart, Creative and Business Savvy: These Women are Leading the Way in Alberta

Zoë Kolbuc Director, External Affairs & Communications, Spectra Energy

Zoë Kolbuc – Director, External Affairs & Communications, Spectra Energy

Zoë Kolbuc always knew she wanted to join the dynamic oil and gas sector after the completion of her education but was determined to maintain ties with the political world. Zoë attended the University of Alberta where she pursued a degree in Political Science and was actively involved in the women’s fraternity, Kappa Alpha Theta. In 2007, she moved to Calgary from Edmonton to pursue career opportunities and was excited to learn more about the energy industry.

Currently, Zoë Kolbuc is the Director of External Affairs and Communications at Spectra Energy. Her responsibilities include leading the communications, government affairs and community investment teams for Spectra Energy’s Western Canadian Operations. She manages a team of 10 communications, community investment and government relations professionals.
Prior to joining Spectra Energy, Zoë’s spent six years at BP, most recently as the Director, External Affairs (Onshore) for BP’s Canadian operations in their Calgary office. This responsibility included government affairs, Aboriginal relations and external outreach in support of BP’s Canadian oil sands business, as well as representing her company on industry association working groups. In this role, she frequently traveled to Northern Alberta to establish relationships with Aboriginal communities.

In addition to these roles in the energy industry, Zoë spent a number of years working for the Government of Alberta as a senior political staffer with two cabinet ministers in the Ministries of Health, and the department formerly known as Seniors and Community Supports. She has worked in the department responsible for housing when Fort McMurray was looking to the Alberta government to help support the growth challenges they were facing.

Her experience as a mentor and coach enables her to partner with other leaders in both the energy and political streams to efficiently challenge and provide support in the external affairs and communications. She is driven by the belief in supporting both individuals and organizations.

Zoë brings an impressive mix of government, corporate and communications experience. She also is proud to have a key role in her family as ‘super mom’ to her two young daughters, Olivia and Emmanuelle. She is strongly supported by her husband, an active academic at the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy.

Over the years Zoë has been involved in a number of political associations and boards, and she has also joined the Board of Calgary’s Children Cottage Society.

Moona Khan

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