by Moona Khan

Smart, Creative and Business Savvy: These Women are Leading the Way in Alberta

Marta Dinapoli G&A Analysis & Reporting, ConocoPhillips

Marta Dinapoli – G&A Analysis & Reporting, ConocoPhillips

Women leaders are more persuasive, assertive and willing to take more risks than male leaders”, according to a study carried out by Caliper, a Princeton based consulting firm. These attributes can easily be used to describe Marta Dinapoli. Born in Warsaw, Poland Marta is a proud Haskayne and U of C alumni, obtaining her Bachelor of Commerce in accounting followed by her CMA designation.

Following the completion of her education, Marta began her career in a small accounting firm where she excelled in her duties. Her dedication and drive to advance her career drew her to Calgary’s fast paced energy sector. For the past nine years, Marta has worked in various accounting and corporate finance roles, specializing in financial performance analysis at ConocoPhillips Canada. She is passionate about leadership, conveying financial results to management and continuous process improvement in every facet of her career.

Outside of her finance career, Marta helps operate Young Women in Energy. Through innovative speakers, networking events and a unique peer-to-peer informal mentoring program, YWE has already engaged and inspired over 1,410 members in its first year. As part of the operations team, Marta is personally responsible for delivering innovative networking and career developing events for the membership base. Her entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, reliability and work ethic have made these events all resounding successes.

Marta has led YWE’s efforts in organically growing its membership base with high quality and engaged members. She has contributed in the team’s efforts to recognize the top women in energy who demonstrate leadership qualities by announcing its first annual Young Woman in Energy award winners. She believes that recognizing and rewarding young women who demonstrate leadership qualities creates catalysts for collaboration and change in the energy industry.

In addition to Young Women in Energy, Marta also volunteers her time to many mentoring initiatives. She has been extensively involved for the past two years in the Haskayne mentorship program, an initiative which pairs commerce students with established career professionals in order to engage them with the business community prior to graduation. In the past, she has also mentored new immigrants to Canada as part of the CMA/CGA connector program, recently spoke to the Link to Success Program for the Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association, and was featured as part of a Finance Industry Night at the Haskayne School of Business.

A catalyst for collaboration and engagement, Marta is proactively changing the face of energy and is driven by the pursuit of excellence within herself and those around her. Her career aspirations include continuing engaging volunteer projects and eventually gaining board of director experience in the nonprofit sector. In addition to her professional pursuits, she loves to spend time with her three-year-old daughter, and is a self-proclaimed bookworm and foodie.

Moona Khan

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