by Tina Olivero

These 4 Women of Distinction are Shaping the Offshore Industry

Candace Moakler - Public Affairs Officer, Cougar Helicopters

Candace Moakler – Public Affairs Officer, Cougar Helicopters

Candace Moakler has worked in the helicopter industry for 30 years. As Public Affairs Officer with Cougar Helicopters for the past five years, she is responsible for all media and community relations and corporate event management. Throughout her career, Candace has worked at senior levels provincially, nationally and internationally, managing and enhancing corporate profiles through strategic relationship management and the building and protection of brand reputations.

Candace shares, “I define success as reaching my goals that align with my beliefs and values. I have always set professional and personal goals because I believe the two go hand-in-hand. A strong work ethic, instilled by my parents at an early age, and a personal satisfaction in seeing a job well done, help me in achieving the goals that I define and set on a continual basis. Someone I worked with many years ago used to say “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there!” So with that in mind, I always strive to; know where I’m going, chart my course, keep my priorities straight and maintain a work/personal life balance while working toward the achievement of my goals. Most importantly, I remember to enjoy the journey because I believe it’s equally as important as the destination.

“My Mentor over the years has been my husband Sean. From the first day of my first job with Sealand Helicopters, my ideas, suggestions, rationales and challenges have been discussed with him. I can always count on him to give me an honest, open opinion, a fresh perspective and a varying viewpoint. He has never told me what I wanted to hear if he didn’t believe it was the right answer. My husband is my long-time mentor who I rely on and trust for honesty, guidance and support throughout my 32 professional years, Candace says.

When asked what it takes to be a leader, Candace noted that so many books have been written, courses taught and many opinions exist on the topic! However, her views on leadership are focused and honed. “I think a good leader empowers individuals to do their respective job; allows individuals to initiate positive changes or new ideas; provides opportunities for growth and advancement; has a genuine interest in the well being and satisfaction of those around you; and listens! I also think you need to continuously learn – not necessarily about the business in which you operate, but to constantly expand your horizons.”

Tina Olivero

30 years ago, Tina Olivero looked into the future and saw an opportunity to make a difference for her province and people. That difference came in the form of the oil and gas sector. Six years before there was even a drop of oil brought to the shores of Newfoundland, she founded The Oil and Gas Magazine (THE OGM) from a back room in her home on Signal Hill Road, in St. John’s, Newfoundland. A single mother, no financing, no previous journalism or oil and gas experience, she forged ahead, with a creative vision and one heck of a heaping dose of sheer determination. With her pioneering spirit, Ms. Olivero developed a magazine that would educate, inspire, motivate and entertain oil and gas readers around the world — She prides herself in marketing and promoting our province and resources in unprecedented ways. The OGM is a magazine that focuses on our projects, our people, our opportunities and ultimately becomes the bridge to new energy outcomes and a sustainable new energy world. Now diversifying into the communications realms, a natural progression from the Magazine, The OGM now offers an entirely new division - Oil & Gas Media. Today, The Oil and Gas Magazine is a global phenomenon that operates not only in Newfoundland, but also in Calgary and is read by oil and gas enthusiasts in Norway, Aberdeen, across the US and as far reaching as Abu Dhabi, in the Middle East. Believing that Energy is everyone’s business, Ms. Olivero has combined energy + culture to embrace the worlds commitment to a balance of work and home life as well as fostering a foundation for health and well being. In this era of growth and development business and lifestyle are an eloquent mix, there is no beginning or end. Partnering with over 90 oil and gas exhibitions and conferences around the world, Ms. Olivero's role as a Global Visionary is to embrace communication in a way that fosters oil and gas business and industry growth in new and creative ways.

Prev #4 - Eileen Woodford of

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